Secret Agent 007



identify imagery, figurative language (e.g., personification, metaphor, simile, hyperbole), refrain, rhythm, and flow when responding to literature

predict information based on title, topic, genre, and prior knowledge

identify organizational patterns of compare and contrast, argument and support, chronological order, logical order, cause and effect, and classification

identify and use homophones, synonyms, and antonyms for given words in text



model multiplication and division of decimal fractions by another decimal fraction

use words, pictures and/or numbers to show the value of a fraction is not changed when both its numerator and denominator are multiplied or divided by the same number because it is the same as multiplying or dividing by one

convert and use improper and proper fractions and decimal fractions interchangeably

use milliliters, liters, fluid ounces, cups, pints, quarts and gallons to measure capacity

derive and apply the formula for the volume of a cube and a rectangular prism using manipulatives

use variables, such as n or x, for unknown quantities in algebraic expressions

determine and justify the mean, range, mode, and median of a set of data

read, write, order and compare place value of decimal fractions

use >,

use formulas to find area of polygons, including triangles and parallelogram

find the area of a polygon (regular and irregular) by dividing it into squares, rectangles, and/or triangles and finding the sum of the area of those shapes

compute the volume of a cube and a rectangular prism using a formula

analyze data presented in a graph


use commas to punctuate compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences

form singular, plural, and possessive nouns

identify and use subjects (simple and compound), pronouns, predicates (simple and compound), modifiers (words and prepositional phrases), adjectives and adverbs and recognize that a word performs different functions according to its position in the sentence




Social Studies

Underground Railroad