Secret Agent 0012




predict information based on title, topic, genre, and prior knowledge

classify, categorize, and analyze words into groups with common characteristics

identify explicit information and infer implicit information relating to main idea in nonfiction, fiction, and other literary genres, using details, sequence of events, cause and effect relationships, and problem and solution

identify and use homophones, synonyms, and antonyms for given words in text

identify organizational patterns of compare and contrast, argument and support, chronological order, logical order, cause and effect, and classification

interpret maps, graphs, charts, diagrams, captions, and illustrations

make and defend judgments and inferences and draw conclusions about setting, characters, and events using convincing evidence from the text

read for a variety of purposes, including to answer literal, inferential, or evaluative questions using evidence from literary or informational tex

identify imagery, figurative language (e.g., personification, metaphor, simile, hyperbole), refrain, rhythm, and flow when responding to literature



use appropriate capitalization in written work

recognize the difference between primary and secondary sources

use and identify the eight parts of speech (e.g., noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction, preposition, interjection)

identify and use subjects (simple and compound), pronouns, predicates (simple and compound), modifiers (words and prepositional phrases), adjectives and adverbs and recognize that a word performs different functions according to its position in the sentence

form singular, plural, and possessive nouns

use and recognize correct punctuation, including semicolons, apostrophes, and quotation marks

vary sentences by structure (declarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory), order, and complexity (simple, complex, compound)

expand or reduce sentences by adding or deleting modifiers, phrases, or combining sentences

revise writing to improve fluency, content (descriptive words and phrases), organization and style, to match purposes with audience




Social Studies